Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Much is being said about the ancient sciences, namely Vaastushastra and its relevance in the present day living. Accepting it or otherwise depends on individuals. Mere rejection of the Vaastushastra saying that they are very old may not be in the interest of any individual. It is better we know something about the Vaastushastra before deciding about its validity. In the series it is proposed to explain about each aspect of Vaastu. This is the first in the series on introduction.
Vaastushastra is a science. In Vaastushastra 'Sun' assumes a most prominent role since the basic concept of Vaastu science is based on solar system and has been derived from the ancient scriptures vizVedas. It hardly needs any explanation as to why the prominence is given to Sun.
However we know that the sunlight reaches the planet Earth through seven colours observed in the radiation. Sunlight and the radiation control the entire life on this planet Earth. The seven colours in the sunlight have been examined from ancient times and their effects on the life and vegetation have been explained in Vaastushastra after a great deal of study by the scholarly Rishis and saints of ancient India. The universe is constituted by five elements namely Air,Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky.
These five elements, which are known as Pancha MahaBhootas are the basis for the existence of life. These elements have their own characteristics and the energies created by these elements which is in circulation have to be utilized by man (life). Maintaining an equilibrium as existence of these energies in excess of what is required is not favourable for life. The man resides in a house or some dwelling which is required provide these energies in the required manner or proportions for his healthy living. The dwelling is called Vaastu. Vaastushastra regulates construction of dwelling orbuildings.
The shastras have been formed with the sole object that every person intending to have a place for living should enjoy good health, prosperity and peace of mind. Vaastusastra does not only consider about theinterior of the house but also considers about the external surroundings and the environment all around that is expected.
The Vaastushastra can be referred not only for taking up new constructions, possession oflands for buildings but also for theexisting buildings and lands utilized for residential and commercial purposes.They can also be referred to in respect of the group housing apartment buildings and lands utilized for residential and commercial purpose, they can also be referred to in respect of the group housing apartment buildings. It is remembered that for happiness in life, comforts, and prosperity that one desires to have, his residence plays the most important role.
Vaastushastra can be fully utilized and plenty of sources are available for utilisation to the fullest extent to overcome the problems by making proper changes. There will be plenty of opportunities, particularly in the present days when funds flow easily for construction ofbuilding or purchase of lands and building; when the properties becomeavailable hardly a reference is made to Vaastushastra about its suitability fora buyer. In the anxiety of possessing the property seldom a thought is given to the fact whether the proposed property confirms to Vaastushastra.
It is to be remembered that the Shastra influences the life of people residing in the properties. The building which are built in accordance with or in total conformity of Vaastushashtra do not germinate evil spirits or have adverse affects on the lives of the occupants of such buildings. It is said the occupants enjoy good health, and harbor good thought. It may not be desirable to say anything about the conditions of the occupantsof the buildings, which are not in accordance with Vaastushashtra.
As has been explained, Vaastushastra has a strong base and fundamentals, which has stood the test for thousands of years. The arguments that Vaastushastra are very old and have no relevance in the present day living conditions, particularly in big cities and towns, does not sound well. The present day conditions are in no away different than those in the past as demands of a man for happiness, prosperity and peace of mind have not changed in any way. The changes if any, are only terms of value. A good Vaastu can ensure all these requirements in life, that is a good health, prosperity and peace of mind, all through life.

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