Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Cubbon Park was developed during the British administration of the Country in the year 1864. The Park connected Cantonment and City areas of Bangalore, which were managed by Cantonment Board and City Municipality respectively. The population of the City during that period was 1,25,000.
The original area of Cubbon Park included the Raj Bhavan, area occupied by Vidhana Soudha, and the other areas to the West of Vidhana Veedhi. The area actually used for park purpose now is the area behind the public buildings facing Vidhana Veedhi and Nrupathunga Road on the West, part ofK.G. Road on the South, Kasturba Road on the East, and Queens Road and Raj Bhavan Road on the North.
Important public buildings located along the boundary of the Park are the High Court, Secretariat Club, K.P.T.C.L., and Revenue Survey Offices. Public offices, Reserve Bank of India, Yavanika Youth Center, YM.C.A., Police Head Quarters, Civil Courts, Raitha Sangha, Public Library, Century Club, Fisheries Department, Indira Gandhi Children's Library, Tennis Stadium, Museum, Visveswariah Technological Museum, Cubbon Park Police Station, Aquarium, Bal Bhavan, Central Telegraph Office, and the Head Post office.
Only on Kasturba Road a couple of private buildings and a Petrol Bunk exist. After deleting the areas occupied by the buildings along the periphery the actual useable park area is about 200 acres. visible on all the important boundary roads. Actual park area available should be improved to provide.
Many such parks should have come up in this large City, which has a population of about 60 lakhs at present. Considering the demand for parks, the Bangalore Development Authority proposed the Bangalore Palace covering about 400 acres as the Third City level Park in the Comprehensive Development Plan of Bangalore ap- proved by Government in the year 1984 along with four large Regiona1.parks in the four corners. So far these proposals are not implemented.
The area of Cub bon originally notified was reduced by allowing public buildings mentioned along the boundary Roads. It is necessary that park should be visible on all the important boundary roads. Actual park area available should be improved to provide maximum recreational facilities to the citizens of Bangalore.
At present the facilities available for recreation in addition to the greenery; are roads and paths for morning and evening walks, concrete benches, BAL Bhavan for children, Band Stand, Tennis Stadium, Museums, Aquarium, public library, children's library, and fountains. The following improvements/ actions were implemented during the last three years:
1. High ornamental grill provided along the boundary of the Park on Queens Road and near BAL Bhavan.
2. Concrete paving blocks provided on the footpaths of two roads within the park.
3. Garbage bins.
4. Drinking water fountain near the Fountain opposite to Maharaja's Statue.
5. Prohibition of traffic between 5.00 am and 8.00 pm for accident free and pollution free walking and Jogging.
6. Weekly music programmer reintroduced on Sundays at 6.30 a.m.
While the above are the improvements for park activity, the following problems continue affecting proper use of the Park:
1. Cleanliness: Regular sweeping of dry leaves and waste food packets are not observed.
2. Hedges: Hedges iq the Park are not maintained. Hedges are missing at many places. Hedges along the boundaries of different portions of the Park and the animal shaped hedges are not trimmed.
3. Old Trees: We observe branches of trees or trees falling after every rain with heavy winds. The old trees are not safe and require to be removed.
4.Water bodies: The Lotus Pool in front of BAL Bhavan does not retain enough water. There is only little quantity of foul smelling stagnant water.
5.Toilets: Thousands of people use the Park from morning to night. But there are no toilets for the convenience of park users. People urinate at various points of the park making it unsanitary and unhealthy.
6.Stray dogs: Stray dogs fed by the people with old food, bread or bun, mixtures etc. are found in groups at the entry points. The stray dogs disturb the pet dogs taken by the park users while walking in the park.
7. Benches: Many concrete benches are broken and are not fit for use.
8. Illumination: Many areas in the park are not properly illuminated and such areas are risky during nights.
9. Fountains: Fountains are not maintained.
10. Restaurants: There are no restaurants or kiosks for food, cool drinks, fruits etc.
For the past three years; Government have done a good job in improving the City including restoration of lakes, landscaping of traffic islands, road medians etc. Improvement of Cubbon Park and other parks should be taken up .Major proposals for parks suggested in the C.D.P. should also be taken up like ; forming the Bangalore Palace area as the Third City level Park, forming Central Jail area as Children's Park and forming Regional parks proposed in the City in four comers of the City with natural environment.

A sketch is prepared showing the effective area of the park showing the existing and proposed facilities.

The following are the proposals suggested:
1. Prohibition of Buildings: No more construction activity should be allowed, at the park has already lost its beauty by buildings along Vidhana Veedhi and Nrupathunga Road and partly on Kasturiba Road and Raj Bhavan Road.
2.Survey Plan: Survey Plan with contours may be got prepared to a detailed scale showing every tree, buildings, and other physical features. The contours will be useful to plan the lakes and their water spread. Survey Plan will be useful for preparing other proposals for improving the park.
3. Pools: The natural valleys in the park should be identified. There is one natural valley which runs from Queens Road leaving Kasturba Road near Museum. A series of pools may be formed by constructing stone masonry bunds/weirs across the valley to store water. Running water and water falls along the valley should be arranged by a suitable pumping system.
4.Picnic spots: Picnic spots may be created around the pools to be formed near the existing groups of trees.
5. Benches: Groups of ornamental concrete benches may be arranged under shady trees and around lakes for use by the public.
6. Illumination: The park should have suitable lighting at spots where public assemble; at fountains, along path ways etc., There should be not be any dark spots to avoid security risks.
7. Children's Zoo: In large cities it is difficult for children to see even animals like cow and horse. A Children's Zoo may be established in Cubbon Park with animals and birds in the area around the pools along the natural valley. This will enable children to know the natural environment. Small horse, camel ,and an elephant of the Zoo may be used to give Joy rides t6 the children.
8. Kiosks: It is unhealthy for people to eat food articles sold by vendors. It is suggested to arrange groups of kiosks at entry points and at spots where people assemble for selling hygienic food, cool drinks and ice creams, diary and bakery products, art and crafts, magazines and books, toys etc., The spots suggested are the entry from M.G Road side, at entry near C.T.O, on the Northern side of High Court, near the Public Library, and at the Fountain near Maharaja's Statue.
9. Roads and paths: Paving blocks may be provided on the footpaths along roads and on the pedestrian paths within the Park. At several points, drainage is not good and water stagnates on roads. Such spots are opposite to Press Club, behind the old K.G.I.D. Building and in front of Tennis Stadium.
10. Landscaping: Very old trees should be removed and double the number of trees planted at these spots. Landscaping may be improved with ever green and flowering trees in areas without trees. Lawns may be maintained. Wherever hedges are missing the same may be provided and trimmed at regular intervals. Creepers and selected species of may be arranged at the Band Stand plants/ trees may be provided.
11. Fountains: Existing fountains should be made operative and new ones to be located at suitable spots where people assemble. Colourful lighting may be arranged in the fountains during evenings.
12. Sulab Shouchalayas: Two or three well maintained sulab shouchalayas should be arranged near the Bal Bhavanl Tennis Stadium, near Queens Park, and near Public Library for the convenience of large number of park users.
13. Tall Tower: A Tall tower with lift may be arranged to view the different parts of the Park as well as illuminated roads and buildings all round.
14. Chariot: Small chariot drawn by a pony to take the children around the park may be arranged for them to enjoy,
15. Cultural Programmes: Music programmes arranged on Sunday mornings at 6.30 a.m. is not convenient for music lovers to enjoy the music. Music programmes may be arranged on Sunday evenings from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at the Band Stand.
Programmes of amateurs and upcoming artists may be arranged during the week days to enable them to get used to audiences. Folk dances, dramas, bharatnatyam and other dances, music competitions ,magic, boxing, debates, and other programmes may be arranged during the week days.
16. Public Speaking Platform: Those willing to speak on public issues or social aspects may be provided with a platform in the raised steps area at the King's Statue.
17. Resources: Companies may be allowed to maintain different portions/ aspects of the proposals and publicity/ advertisement benefits to a limited extent be allowed.
18. Security: Security may be provided by the Cubbon Park Police Station including mounted police.

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