Thursday, 1 May 2014


Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps in Karnataka, Sri D. Sathya Murthy, LA.S., presented lead papers for discussion at the national ICT Consultative Workshop organized by NIRD, Hyderabad on 24th to 26th Feb. 2003. The papers deal with the"KAVERI" an e-govemance project of registration and stamps departmentfor common man in Kamataka.
The papers deal in detail the rampant corruption prevalent in registering department, the modus operandi of corruption, the people involved in corruption. The following is the extract from lead papers:

"It is a common knowledge that the Sub-registrars'Officers in the state have become notorious as dens of corruption. As the corruption which occurs in Sub-Registrars' of- fices will be mostly collusive corrup- tion, where the giver of bribe as well as taker of the bribe would not be ready to complain against each other, in the matter it would not be that easy to secure evidence in relation to such activity.
In many cases the officers and the personnel in Sub-Registrars' Office's are involving outsiders to help the bribe giver and the bribe taker in relation to their bribing trans- actions, to identify the Officers and officials of the Sub-Registry involved in bribe -taking and bribe giving, becomes much more difficult. "SubRegistrars' Officers, although they are regarded by the Public as dens of corruption in which corruption is made the way of life of the officers and officials of the sub-Registry, hir- ing volunteers, the document writers and stamp vendors for the purpose." (Loka -yukata)


Corruption has become a inevitable proposition in the Department. General Public believes that nothing moves without greasing the officials. In addition to that there is lot of secrecy that is surrounded around the property valuations though they are more of an open issue. The local committees constituted for this purpose review these rates once in three years and they are published either locally or through gazette.
The confidence level of the pub- lic with the department are very low and they do not feel comfortable to approach the Sub-Registrar on their own without they help of the middle man.
The behavior of most of the SubRegistrars is also highly objectionable as neither they are courteous nor helpful in dealing with the public. Their attitude is of making money ir- respective of any customer and they have no discrimination between the poor and the rich. There are instances where they had been so blatant in demanding money even from reputed journalistsand police officers despite disclosing their identities. Some of the sub-registrars went to the extent of stating that they need to pay all the masters and therefore, they need to be paid. Most of them have callous, insensitive and indecent behav- ioral attitudes which compounds the problem. Once they sit in the chair, they loose their senses and the pri- vate businessapproach dawns in their minds.
Added to this is the problem of volunteers. Volunteers system had taken deep roots since more than a decade and they had been functioning literally as officials of the department without any locus standi. Most of these volunteers are either retired employees of the department or the relations of the present serving em- ployees of the department which accounts for the large number. The remaining number is due to political influence who are basically unemployed and had found out the volunteer job as a means to earn quick money. The real problematic sections of volunteers are the goondas and the criminals from the land dealers section who are not only rich but also who can afford to use their muscle power to harass the public and squeeze the money. There is also another section which belongs to the close kith and kin of the serving ministers and kinds of corruption.

Administrative corruption.

The corruption in the department mainly falls into this category of administrative corruption. The last but not the least is the category of Deed writer, stamp vendors and typists who wait and watch the innocent citizens. This needs to be further classified into: According to Rule Corruption and Against the Rule Corruption.

According to Rule Corruption

According to Rule corruption is a smaller phenomenon, where the bribes are collected despite all the papers being in order. This is an amount demanded directly and the public pays this as a token of safety as they do not like to face any problems in the future. Most of the corruption related to the search and issuance of Encumbrance certificates falls in this category. The corruption at the level of peon, who takes the thumb impression also falls into this category. There are many instances, where the peon does not leave the thumb until his bribe of Rs.SO/- to 100/- is paid, though they admit it is only Rs.lO/- to 20/- only.

Against the Rule Corruption:

This is a major problematic area. The Sub-Registrars and the District Registrars enjoy discretionary pow- ers which are oftenmisused. There are areas which range from interpretation of the Acts, circulars issued and raising objections on the documents presented. On the guidance values is another issue which is also a source of massive corruption. The audit had clearly shown that there are glaring omissions on the part of the sub-registrars while calculating the stamp duty and registration duty, wherethe property locations are wrongly and deliberately shown at lesser prices. The against rule in- cludes cases like allowing registra- tions where they are prohibited under the law in the light of public policy and non insistence of IT clearances etc and buildings being shown as vacant sites etc.
Collusive Corruption
Hon'ble Lokayukta had already stated that the corruption in this department is of the nature of collusive corruption, where neither bribe taker nor the giver is willing to complain. Mostly the collusive corruption is due to the involvement of the volunteers. This is not only existing in Karnataka but also common in the other States. States like Maharashtra, they are called candidates. The phenomenon of volunteers is also an outcome of smarting the technique of corruption and to avoid trapping of officials under the PCA. The volunteers system had become such a cancerous phenomenon to the department that they are no more under the control of anyone. They literally dictate terms to the Sub-Registrars and they are law untothemselves. The regular staff had become so relaxing that the whole office functioning was left to these volunteers.
They had a longer continuity in the officers than any of the regular staff. As a result of this, the volunteers know better where the records are and also able to search and provide the E.Cs. with more ease and peed. Public at large also over the years had developed more confidence with the volunteers rather than the frequently changing and inefficient staff of the department.
Other than the volunteers, who used to site and operate with the office, there are other middle men who operate from the outside the office premises namely, stamp vendors, deed writers, advocates, nearby commercials establishments and retired employees of the department.

Retail corruption:

The corruption is also sometime classified into wholesale corruption and Retail Corruption. The corruption what is seen in the department is retail corruption, as it is mainly focused at each sub-registry and local phenomenon. The most disadvantageous feature of this kind of a retail corruption is bad public image and public at large try to avoid the contact with the Sub-registries and they have an allergic feeling. It brings in such a damaging negative effect on the department as action of few limited officers misdeeds brings totally negative image to the whole depart- ment. In the process the department is viewed by general public as lechers, squeezers and trouble some department which leads to lack of confidence, trust and good will with the public.

Types of Bribery:

Types of Bribery in the department can be classified into the following categories:
1)To avoid harassment and trouble
2)To get a speedy deiivery of service
3) To misuse the discretionary power vested with
4) To save money by avoiding the duty or by paying less
5) To do an illegal favour.

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