Vaastu Shastra is the ancient Vedic science of
architecture and building construction. This invaluable analysis on the
possibilities of improvement in the quality of life of an individual by simply
following certain well thought out architectural principles and laws of physics
and the positioning of the Sun with respect to India which lies in the Northern
Hemisphere, was co-authored by as many as 18 sages. The authors are sages
Bhrugu, Arti, Vasistha, Purandar, Brahma, Kumara, Nandeesh, Shownak, Garga,
Vasudeva, Aniruddha, Shukra and Bruhaspati.
More and more people, these days, are showing
an increased interest in Vaastu Shaastra. As to the relevance of Vaastu
Shastra, a lot has been said and written in its favor and also against it. The
believers and followers of this ancient art of architecture are of the opinion
that if the guidelines and instructions given by the Vaastu text are followed
logically, using common sense in good measure, the desired results are bound to
materialize. On the other hand, skeptics dismiss the entire concept as totally
irrelevant and out of sync with modern times.
But, before an impression or view on subject matter
is totally discarded, all the facts must be obtained. So, let us first explorethe basic concepts and instructions given in the Vaastu texts. At this
juncture, we will only concentrate on the aspects of Vaastu Shastra that are
still relevant and applicable to this day, without compromising on the desired
Although in recent times Vaastu Shastra hasgained popularity, it is still under a lot of scrutiny from skeptics and non
believers. There is a lot of mis-understanding about the Vaastu text among the
general public and professionals like Architects and Civil Engineers as well.
This science has often been projected as a means to bring the house owner
financial and related profit and prosperity. Though ultimately a person does
benefit from the Vaastu wisdom, it is frequently labeled as superstition and
blind faith.
It is ignorance on part of the people who are ready
to discard Vaastu just because it is a scripture or for some other flimsy
reason. It is sad that we tend to embrace all that is 'imported' or foreign
made and look down upon the treasure of knowledge and wisdom that India has to
Let us first take a look at the concepts of
Vaastu Shastra and how they affect us. Those who will only respond to
scientific proof about the validity of Vaastu can verify the same by using the
much tested, and successful modern science called “Geobiology”. Our ancestors
created the forms and shapes described in the Vaastu texts which are in perfect
harmony with the laws of nature and the 'Greater Creation' that surrounds us.
The nature and environment, all have both
positive and negative effects on the subtle and complex Human Energy System.
Grids of energy lines emanate from the surface of the Earth. Geobiology
research has revealed that they have both positive and negative effects on the
man made structures – houses and the general health. It is very important to
understand the different types of energies that exist. At the micro level, like
inside one's house, energies are being radiated constantly from electricity
wires, television sets, microwave and numerous other sources that have
tremendous effect on the human body.
The cell in the human body has a wavelength of
20-22 centimeters and all radiations having wavelengths less than 20
centimeters disturb and adversely affect the human body which can result in
tumors, cancers, headaches, depression, etc. Research in the United States has
proven that there is an undeniable link between tumors, cancers and
other ailments and the close proximity of High Tension electrical lines in
the residential areas.
Vaastu Shastra also helps in these cases and in
making the house or building livable and free from negative energy force.
Needless to say, a person opting for Vaastu based construction must have hispriorities in order and it must be clear to him why it is essential to adopt
the Vaastu principles.
Vaastu Shastra also derives techniques and
theories based upon the strong forces of nature; namely the five elements –
Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Sky. Vaastu guides us in the construction of ourhouses or commercial buildings in harmony with these energies so that they can
generate a positive force field for the benefit of the dwellers or end-users.
This will bring about an all-round feeling of peace and tranquility.
Sun :
The Sun is the most important factor in VaastuShastra and a source of life on the earth. Its rays, light, and heat directly
affect the life of all living things and is directly associated with the state
of health of humans. The morning rays of the sun are considered beneficial and
positive for the enhancement of human health.Whereas the afternoon rays are so
harsh and harmful that you can actually get sick or affected by skin cancer or
other ailments. So, the house should be built in such a way that the morning
rays are absorbed and ventilation and the harmful, negative rays are blocked by
the walls.
Water :
Water is another essential life saving element
for human life and rightfully it has a lot of significance in Vaastu principles.
Wind /
Air :
Air is a mixture of gases including oxygen,
which is a life supporting element for all living organisms. Air or wind is theresult of change in pressure in the atmosphere. One can ascertain the direction
of the wind by studying the atmospheric pressure changes. Accordingly you can
decide the position of your windows or other forms of ventilation in the house
to get maximum fresh air. In our country, the direction of southwest wind is
taken into account as it is supposed to be most beneficial.
Earth :
As the earth slowly attained a solid form,
originating from a fiery ball, it acquired certain magnetic properties as well.
According to Vaastu Shastra, the magnetic north and south of the Earth with its
positive and negative magnetic fields play a crucial role in our development
and general well being.
We must sleep with our head on the north side,
since our body is magnetized due to the quantity of iron present in our blood.
This helps in achieving sound sleep.
The first step like in any other property
undertaking is to acquire a plot. While acquiring the plot, the guidelines
issued by the Vaastu Shastra need to be strictly followed. The plot upon which
the dwelling house is supposed to be constructed has to be rectangular in shape
or if possible, a perfect square. For the rectangular plot, the length must not
be 1.5 times the width.
The logic behind this is to reduce the wastageof plot area. Also, a plot must have roads on the north or east or both. There
must not be any window on the west and south side of the House to avoid harsh
sunlight. If there were to be any, it could be only be very minimum.
An open space is desirable for garden in the
north and east of the house, which will provide ample shade from the sun and a
cool environment much like nature's version of an air conditioner. Vaastu
Shastra also recommends a roof that is sloping towards the north or east, which
yet again is aimed at minimizing the vagaries of the summer sun. Since the roof
is totally exposed and bears the brunt of the sun's heat this measure seems
The highest structural component of the house
should be at the southwest corner of the terrace from the overall radiation and
direct heat of the sun thus giving the house a breezy atmosphere. For a plot,
with roads on either the east or west (or both), the slope of the plot should
be towards the road. This is to avoid stagnation of rainwater, drainage etc. in
front of the house or even within the compound wall. Also, any excess water
flow from the house itself will be led away from the house if this step is
of rooms :
Vaastu Shastra lays a lot of emphasis on the
orientation or the precise location of the various rooms of the house likebedrooms, kitchen, living rooms and so on. The main bedroom or the master
bedroom should be positioned on the southwest corner of the house and it is
recommended that the walls here must be thicker than the others for
better temperature control. In India, more precisely, the entire northern
hemisphere, the sun moves a lot towards the south (dakshinayan) in winter and
the orientation of the bedroom and the thick walls together provide for the
much needed heat gain in winter. Conversely, in summer the sun
moves towards the north (uttarayan) and the thick walls prevent the room from
becoming hot and humid.
All the various aspects discussed thus far are
fine to some degree, but we need not subscribe to the vaastu concept just
because it is projected as a very useful tool in alleviating your personal,
emotional and financial problems.
Vaastu Shastra also mentions in its expensive
texts that if an individual does not adhere to the set rules and guidelines ofthe Vaastu Shastra, then bad things will happen to him personally and
This may seem pompous or downright ridiculous, but
even today there are certain self-proclaimed 'experts' of the vedic science who
intimidate the gullible and 'god-fearing' by threatening in not-so-many words
about the negative consequences of not following the Vaastu Shastra. These are
matters of personal faith and understanding and definitely open to
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