Monday, 24 November 2014

An Article About "Controlling Cracks in Concrete"

 Controlling Cracks in Concrete

This exercise requires attention at various stages of design and concrete construction.

It can be painful to see cracks in otherwise good structures. Cracks are quality control problems, regardless of whether they are superficial surface cracks or deep cracks that endanger water tightness and structural integrity. Controlling cracking requires attention at various stages of design and concrete construction. Cracking can be significantly reduced by considering the basic causes and by adopting preventive steps to control them.

There are several types of cracks:

This is a system of shallow cracks, mostly resulting in cosmetic problems. They develop at early age. They manifest themselves when the concrete is drying after the surface had been wet. They can be treated with any good surface treatment method and do not cause any structural problems. They are rarely visible when treated properly.

Water evaporates from the surface of any freshly made concrete. If the rate of evaporation is faster than the rate at which it is replaced by bleed water, the surface of concrete will shrink. They are caused by the shrinkage of drying surface on concrete that is restrained by wet concrete in the interior where shrinkage is absent. This action produces tensile stresses in the surface layer resulting in shallow cracks which are of varying depth and fairly wide at the surface.

The following factors contribute to excessive plastic shrinkage cracks:

• High water to cement ratio
• Over –vibration which brings too much of paste to the surface.
• Too much of floating or trowelling for finishing
• Sprinkling of dry cement on a finished surface to absorb bleed water
• Poor curing that permits rapid surface drying, especially in summer

Control measures to avoid this problem include use of lowest possible water-cement ratio consistent with workabilityrequirement, avoiding over-vibration and excessive floating before bleed water dries up and curing properly without allowing wet and dry spells on concrete surface.

In spite of considerable knowledge about the advantages of low water-cement ratio, almost all concrete is mixed with more water than what is needed for cement hydration. The excess water evaporates causing the concrete to shrink.

The restraint to shrinkage provided by reinforcement, sub-grade or other parts like re-entrant corners cause tensile stresses to develop in the hardened concrete. Restraint to drying shrinkage has been the most common cause of cracking. They are commonly visible in rectangular or square openings at the corners.

Proper mix proportioning with low water content and high aggregate content is the first defence against drying shrinkage cracks.

Control measures include provision of diagonal reinforcements near corners of the openings, installing control joints to allow propagation of cracks along the predetermined path, easing the stress concentration by providing a 45 degree splay at the re-entrant corners.

Welded wire fabric or small diametre wire meshes can be used to control shrinkage cracks. There should be enough concrete cover to protect these reinforcements from corrosion. Currently use of synthetic fibers is also advocated to control micro cracking.

This type of cracking is usually a problem in mass concreting work. As the concrete sets the temperature rises due to heat of hydration. As the interior of concrete heats up and expands due to this, the surface cools due to drying and shrinks. This sets up thermal gradient between surface and interior. A temperature differential of 20 degrees centigrade is enough to cause cracking. However, within 24-hours of placement, concrete temperatures can reach anywhere from 10 to 25 degrees hotter than ambient temperatures

The width and depth of cracks depend on this gradient.

Adopting heat reducing admixtures and physically cooling the aggregates and adding ice instead of water are some of the measures, which can help in overcoming this problem.

Settling or wash out of soil below the sub-base can lead to cracking and eventual structural failure. This can also occur due to ineffective formwork or premature removal of formwork.

Using proper sub-grade preparation sub-basematerial with adequate moisture content will ensure prevention of cracking due to this cause.

When steel embedded in concrete corrodes, the rusted steel occupies a volume much larger than original volume of the rebar. This expansion causes tensile stresses, cracking and spalling.

Using good quality concrete with proper cover and properly placed consolidated, finished and cured concrete will ensure protection against corrosion. Any admixture containing calcium chloride should be avoided.

This reaction occurs with certain types of aggregates. The active mineral component of the aggregate reacts with alkali hydroxides in concrete. Two forms of reactions occur. Alkali silica reaction and alkali carbonate reaction. Due to this network of cracks appear and disrupt the structural integrity.

Due to the natural accumulation of water in the base and sub-base of pavements, the aggregate may become saturated. Then with freezing and thawing cycles, cracking of the concrete starts in the saturated aggregate at the bottom of the slab and progresses upward until it reaches the wearing surface.

Such cracking is usually visible at pavementjoints. This is more a problem in colder climates and is generally solved by the use of proper aggregates.

Unexpected cracking of concrete is a frequent cause of complaints. Cracking can be the result of one or a combination of factors described above. Cracking can be significantly reduced when the causes are taken into account and control measures are utilized.

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