Wednesday, 10 September 2014

An article bout " Vaastushastra-Avoid Demolition for Vaastu Corrections "

 Avoid Demolition for Vaastu Corrections
Following the principles of Vaastu shastra for selecting the site is necessary. Once the site is selected it is necessary to determine the directions of the Land/Site in a systematic way, since the construction of the building is decided on the basis of the direction. The directions are to be decided and properly marked by using the compass. A compass may be placed in the centre of the land/site. A straight line is drawn from the magnetic north,indicated by the needle of the compass, to the south dividing the land into two parts. From the centre of the plot, lines towards east and west are drawn at 22.50 angle. After these four directions viz North-South, East-West are known, four more subsidiary directions or corners viz North-West, North- East, South-West, South-East are marked by drawing lines at 450 
If the land is rectangular or any other shape the same procedure has to be followed for determining the directions.
Normally in the cities the dwellings are built on smaller sizes like 20’× 15’, 25’×30’, and 30’×40’ and so on where generally the smaller sites are between 300 sqft and 1000 or 1200 sqft.
Naturally such houses will have no open spaces on all the four sides. Some houses do not have any open space but have common walls on two or three sides. This is not desirable according to Vastushastra. However hardly anything can be done in such cases particularly in the. Cities and towns, but only remedial measures like placing idols of family gods, performing poojas etc. Can be adopted Where construction on such small sites are proposed to be taken it would be desirable to follow the principles of Vaastushastra i.e. open spaces, whatever possible or wherever possible, open spaces should be left in East and North sides in particular.

It is true that it is sometimes not possible to follow the Vaastu principles while putting up the buildings for various reasons. This situation particularly prevails in the existing buildings. The awareness about Vaastushastra came only in the early 90s, and much discussions take place about following the Vaastu principles. It is difficult to set right things by adopting extreme measures like demolition or alterations involving heavy expenditure. Vaastushastra not only provides the guiding principles for building for living purposes as well as commercial purposes, but also for healthy and peaceful living. However Vasthushastra does not approve demolishing of building for rectification of the defects (with reference to vasthu specifications or guidelines). Such defects can be rectified by small and simple corrections. Some of the corrections could be made by planting of certain types of trees or changing of colours, simple repairs to doors, windows by placing some religious idols in particular places, etc. Various corrections are suggested in Feng Shui Chinese Vaastu and the same could be adopted. It is desirable to avoid demolition and go in for simplerectification.                        

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