The transfer of immovable property by way of sales, gift, will, releases etc. presupposes that documents to the title of
transferred immovable property are delivered to the transferee on completion of process. This is statutory obligation. Section No. 55(3) of Transfer of Property Act, casts this responsibility on the seller. But the section has a
proviso that in case where only a part of the property is sold and the seller
retains a part of the property the seller is entitled to retain the original
documents, and copies of such documents are delivered to the purchaser.
In case, where the property is transferred to different
persons, in different lots, the transferee of greatest portion is entitled to
hold the documents of title and others are provided with copies of such
In the circumstances dealt above, the persons holding
the documents either the seller or one who hold the greatest portion has some
responsibilities. He has to keep the documents in safe custody and in good
condition. He has to make available the documents for inspection to otherbuyers, and also furnish the true copies of such documents; extract from such documents, whenever required.
But the cost has to be met by the buyer who needs such
inspection or copies, extracts. Those responsibilities are required to be
recorded properly.
The document, which records such obligations of safe
keeping the documents; producing them for inspection, providing copies,
extracts is called "Deed of convenant for production of documents."
The deed of transfer like sale, gift, will, and release
may contain such a convenant by the vendor in favour of purchaser or a separate
deed may also be executed by the vendor in favour of purchaser.
In case of the person holding greatest portion, a
separate convenant deed about his obligations becomes necessary. A separate deed
in favour of each of other transferee of other portions or a common deed in
favour of all other transferees jointly may be executed.
In the deed of transfer of the greatest portion or of highest value an explicit convenant, that, the transferee shall safe keep the
documents in good condition, produce for inspection of other transferee and
furnish true copies or extract should be included. Similar relevant convenant
should also be incorporated in deed of transfer of other transferees.
Generally all the portions of the property are not
transferred at the same time, and the above suggested procedure may not be
possible. In such cases, the transferor should give a convenant of production
of documents in each of the deeds of transfer and it should further provide
that if and when the transferor hands over the documents to any other
transferee at a later date he would procure a similar condition from the such
Under a convenant of production of document, the
original convenantor remains liable indefinitely unless a condition provides
that he is no more responsible after he parts with the remaining portion of the
Stamp duty: In case the condition is included in the deed transfer
itself, no separate stamp duty is payable. If a separate deed is executed, it
attracts the stamp duty as that of an agreement depending upon the stamp duty
prescribed by the state.
This deed of convenant does not require the registration, but it is advisable
to get it registered.
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